Vest Energi ApS

Michael Rasmuss…
(1 bedømmelser)
Erla Øregaard
Jysk arbejdskraft som vi kontaktede (som allerede på daværende tidspunkt var gået konkurs) eller VEST ENERGI har nu 1,5 år efter ved retten i Roskilde anerkendt at VEST ENERGI skylder os hele beløbet som MICHAEL BO RASMUSSEN fik overført inden de skulle påbegynde arbejdet. Beløbet vi overførte var 70% af kr 44.200,- efter overførslen hed beløbet pludselig 138.000,- rent bondefangeri og svindel. Er efterfølgende blevet kontaktet af flere af MICHAEL BO RASMUSSENS andre kunder som har oplevet samme ufine metoder. Politiet er ligeledes underrettet om sagen, hvilket jeg kun kan opfordre andre til der er blevet svindlet af MICHAEL BO RASMUSSEN eller hans bror BENJAMIN TOM RASMUSSEN. OVERFØR IKKE PENGE TIL DEM!!!!!
MICHAEL BO RASMUSSEN er pr 20.08.2020 aftrådt som adm direktør i VEST ENERGI.
Vi får nok aldrig vores indbetalte penge tilbage selvom der er afsagt dom i sagen. Deres virksomheder har det med at gå konkurs!! Derfor vil jeg gå til alle de medier jeg overhovedet kan for at oplyse om hvilke metoder der bruges i MICHAEL BO RASMUSSENS OG BENJAMIN TOM RASMUSSENS fælles virksomheder. Dette for at forhindre at andre skal igennem samme svindel som vi blev udsat for.
Michael Bo Rasmussen lavede et modsvar til min tidligere anmeldelse, hvor han i den grad udviser sit manipulerede væsen. Desværre kan man ikke svare på hans svar. Så derfor kommer der nok endnu et spektakulært modsvar til denne anmeldelse. Til alle interesserede så ligger jeg inde med alle dokumenter, smskorrespondancer, domsafsigelsen i sagen og mails mellem vores advokater.
INTET sandt kommer ud af MICHAEL BO RASMUSSEN, han er en iskold manipulator og en ussel tyveknægt, der snyder både private kunder og underleverandører i større byggesager.
MICHAEL BO RASMUSSEN er pr 20.08.2020 aftrådt som adm direktør i VEST ENERGI.
Vi får nok aldrig vores indbetalte penge tilbage selvom der er afsagt dom i sagen. Deres virksomheder har det med at gå konkurs!! Derfor vil jeg gå til alle de medier jeg overhovedet kan for at oplyse om hvilke metoder der bruges i MICHAEL BO RASMUSSENS OG BENJAMIN TOM RASMUSSENS fælles virksomheder. Dette for at forhindre at andre skal igennem samme svindel som vi blev udsat for.
Michael Bo Rasmussen lavede et modsvar til min tidligere anmeldelse, hvor han i den grad udviser sit manipulerede væsen. Desværre kan man ikke svare på hans svar. Så derfor kommer der nok endnu et spektakulært modsvar til denne anmeldelse. Til alle interesserede så ligger jeg inde med alle dokumenter, smskorrespondancer, domsafsigelsen i sagen og mails mellem vores advokater.
INTET sandt kommer ud af MICHAEL BO RASMUSSEN, han er en iskold manipulator og en ussel tyveknægt, der snyder både private kunder og underleverandører i større byggesager.
Alex Lehman
New Bath / Kitchen / Electricity
Short version: Michael did next to no work, left us with an unlivable apartment, told us “unofficially” that they might be going bankrupt in an attempt to get us off their books, misinformed me about the ownership of the company, and disappeared with a large sum of money and three sets of keys.
Full Review:
In December 2019, we paid Michael Bo Rasmussen and his brother, Benjamin Tom Rasmussen, a sizable deposit to do extensive work in our apartment. They gave us a timeline of 8-10 weeks. On 3 January Michael tore out our bathroom, and has not done a single day of work since (over 6 months ago now).
Covid-19 played a factor in this. But in the three months before lockdown, he moved slowly and the subcontractors he employed were unreliable. The VVS person delayed planning for four weeks because he didn't have time to see the apartment. When we tried to book the electrician, he told us that he had actually quit without informing Michael. Michael then waited two months for confirmation before he found a new electrician.
Michael did not seem to have anticipated that we would need to apply for building permission, and there was a panicked rush to start the process in February, 6 weeks into our 8-10 week timeline.
During the first month of Corona lockdown, Michael told us he would be back after Easter. But when Easter came and went, we didn't hear anything and had to chase him for an update. He strung us along with vague promises and excuses until one day, in early May, he responded to an email by saying that he was on Corona support and not allowed to work. We'd had no warning of this, he just abruptly told us that he would not be answering any more emails until 8 June.
So far, so forgivable. But this is where it gets really bad.
Despite “not being allowed to work”, he repeatedly asked us to pay him a large sum of money for which he had not yet met the contractual terms. We countered with a formal complaint, asking him to have a project schedule, and the accounts to date, ready when he returned.
We heard nothing. When he returned in June, he had not prepared anything that we asked for. But he did inform us that he had four weeks of holiday coming up.
In the week that followed, he told us “unofficially” that they “might” be going bankrupt and tried to sell us on a plan where he would keep our deposit, but one of the subcontractors would take over the project on a reduced budget.
And he flat-out refused to send us any of the financial information we had requested.
We officially fired him on 10 June and asked him to return our money and keys. He told me that this was up to the “three owners.” Which was untrue. I checked with Erhvervsstyrelsen, and Benjamin Rasmussen is the only legal owner of Vest Energi. I don't know why Michael chose to misinform me. He has refused to put us in touch with Benjamin, and Benjamin has not contacted us.
To date (31 July 2020) Michael has rejected our termination of the contract without giving any grounds for doing so, and is holding our money and keys while ignoring all of our communications.
He is very clearly leaving us with no option but to try to take him and Benjamin to court. I will update this review if and when this matter is resolved. Otherwise, you can assume that we never got our money or keys back.
In short, I do not recommend that anyone get involved with Michael Bo Rasmussen, Benjamin Tom Rasmussen, or the companies that they run together under HOLDING M2, ApS, including: Animationvideo IVS, maegleradm.com IVS, NETANDEL Ejendomsadministration IVS, SQM Software IVS, 2020 Webfactory IVS, and WEBM2 A/S.
Furthermore I would advise anyone getting involved with Benjamin's other holding company, Klokkestøbervej 4, Pandrup ApS, to do their due diligence. It is possible that the other owners of that company (Anders Lundahl, Frida Marie Rasmussen, Frederik Ankær Rasmussen, and Freida Holdings ApS) are more responsible than Benjamin, I have had no direct dealings with them. But based on our experience with Benjamin I would recommend proceeding with caution.
Short version: Michael did next to no work, left us with an unlivable apartment, told us “unofficially” that they might be going bankrupt in an attempt to get us off their books, misinformed me about the ownership of the company, and disappeared with a large sum of money and three sets of keys.
Full Review:
In December 2019, we paid Michael Bo Rasmussen and his brother, Benjamin Tom Rasmussen, a sizable deposit to do extensive work in our apartment. They gave us a timeline of 8-10 weeks. On 3 January Michael tore out our bathroom, and has not done a single day of work since (over 6 months ago now).
Covid-19 played a factor in this. But in the three months before lockdown, he moved slowly and the subcontractors he employed were unreliable. The VVS person delayed planning for four weeks because he didn't have time to see the apartment. When we tried to book the electrician, he told us that he had actually quit without informing Michael. Michael then waited two months for confirmation before he found a new electrician.
Michael did not seem to have anticipated that we would need to apply for building permission, and there was a panicked rush to start the process in February, 6 weeks into our 8-10 week timeline.
During the first month of Corona lockdown, Michael told us he would be back after Easter. But when Easter came and went, we didn't hear anything and had to chase him for an update. He strung us along with vague promises and excuses until one day, in early May, he responded to an email by saying that he was on Corona support and not allowed to work. We'd had no warning of this, he just abruptly told us that he would not be answering any more emails until 8 June.
So far, so forgivable. But this is where it gets really bad.
Despite “not being allowed to work”, he repeatedly asked us to pay him a large sum of money for which he had not yet met the contractual terms. We countered with a formal complaint, asking him to have a project schedule, and the accounts to date, ready when he returned.
We heard nothing. When he returned in June, he had not prepared anything that we asked for. But he did inform us that he had four weeks of holiday coming up.
In the week that followed, he told us “unofficially” that they “might” be going bankrupt and tried to sell us on a plan where he would keep our deposit, but one of the subcontractors would take over the project on a reduced budget.
And he flat-out refused to send us any of the financial information we had requested.
We officially fired him on 10 June and asked him to return our money and keys. He told me that this was up to the “three owners.” Which was untrue. I checked with Erhvervsstyrelsen, and Benjamin Rasmussen is the only legal owner of Vest Energi. I don't know why Michael chose to misinform me. He has refused to put us in touch with Benjamin, and Benjamin has not contacted us.
To date (31 July 2020) Michael has rejected our termination of the contract without giving any grounds for doing so, and is holding our money and keys while ignoring all of our communications.
He is very clearly leaving us with no option but to try to take him and Benjamin to court. I will update this review if and when this matter is resolved. Otherwise, you can assume that we never got our money or keys back.
In short, I do not recommend that anyone get involved with Michael Bo Rasmussen, Benjamin Tom Rasmussen, or the companies that they run together under HOLDING M2, ApS, including: Animationvideo IVS, maegleradm.com IVS, NETANDEL Ejendomsadministration IVS, SQM Software IVS, 2020 Webfactory IVS, and WEBM2 A/S.
Furthermore I would advise anyone getting involved with Benjamin's other holding company, Klokkestøbervej 4, Pandrup ApS, to do their due diligence. It is possible that the other owners of that company (Anders Lundahl, Frida Marie Rasmussen, Frederik Ankær Rasmussen, and Freida Holdings ApS) are more responsible than Benjamin, I have had no direct dealings with them. But based on our experience with Benjamin I would recommend proceeding with caution.
Ingen venneudtalelser at vise
Brostræde 11, 4. tv., 4300 Holbæk, Denmark
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