M P C byg

M P C byg
Ajang Elvis Ngwesse
Welcome to Mpcbyg!

We are thrilled to have you here, and we appreciate your interest in our company. With our CVR number , we pride ourselves on being a leading force in the fields of demolition, concreting, building, and general labor.

At Mpcbyg, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality services to our clients. Whether it's demolishing old structures, creating solid foundations through concreting, constructing remarkable buildings, or providing skilled general labor, we have the expertise and dedication to meet your needs.

Our team of professionals consists of highly skilled and experienced individuals who are passionate about what they do. We strive to exceed expectations, ensuring that every project is executed with precision, efficiency, and the utmost attention to detail.

As a client-focused company, we value open communication and collaboration. We take the time to listen to your specific requirements and work closely with you to bring your vision to life. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal, and we are committed to providing outstanding results that meet and exceed your expectations.

We believe in maintaining strong and lasting relationships with our clients, and we are excited to embark on this journey with you. Whether you are in need of demolition services, concreting solutions, building expertise, or general labor support, we are here to serve you.

Thank you for choosing Mpcbyg. We look forward to working with you and delivering exceptional results that showcase our commitment to excellence.

Warm regards,
Mpcbyg Se mindre


CVR 38891634. Se mere på Proff og Virk

Virksomheden har opgivet følgende CVR-nummer: 38891634. Du kan tjekke nummeret på cvr.dkVirksomhed


nummer 870 i kategorien Anlægsgartner
nummer 552 i kategorien Facaderenovering
nummer 1459 i kategorien Handymand
nummer 727 i kategorien Hegn og porte
nummer 828 i kategorien Kloak, dræn- og tv-inspektion m.m.
nummer 1471 i kategorien Murer
nummer 758 i kategorien Nedrivning
nummer 960 i kategorien Nyt hus eller Tilbygning
nummer 160 i kategorien Rengøring
nummer 1725 i kategorien Tømrer


Mandag 06:00 til 17:30
Saven D 4, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark

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